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<br />F19990195 <br /> <br />B. Purchase of vehicle to replace wrecked patrol car: The <br />sheriff's department had a patrol car that was damaged in an <br />accident. The insurance company and salvage yard reimbursed the <br />county in the amount of $7,000.00 that has been deposited in the <br />general fund. The unmarked vehicle that they want to purchase <br />will be $7,300.00. Hartman made a motion and Logan seconded to <br />authorize the purchase of the vehicle and pay for the purchase <br />from the miscellaneous general fund. Arnold, Hartman, Jeffries, <br />Lancaster, Landis, Logan and Stelk all voted yes and none voted <br />no. Motion carried. <br /> <br />C. Bicycle traffic on South Locust Street - The sheriff's <br />department requested to discuss the matter of the bicycle traffic <br />on South Locust Street. With the increased traffic and the fact <br />that the road is narrow they questioned if it should be closed to <br />bicycle traffic. Hartman stated he had received 2 or 3 calls on <br />this matter. There is no bicycle traffic on South Locust inside <br />the city limits. Hartman made a motion and Landis seconded to <br />post South Locust Street to Doniphan as ~no bicycle traffic" and <br />instruct the public works department to post the signs. Arnold, <br />Hartman, Lancaster, Landis, Logan and Stelk all voted yes and <br />Jeffries voted no. Motion carried. <br /> <br />FRED SNOWARDT JR. STATE PROBATION OFFICER REQUESTING LETTER OF <br />SUPPORT FOR GRANT DEALING WITH DRUG & ALCOHOL TESTING: Fred <br />Snowardt with the District #8 probation office requested a letter <br />of support from the Hall County Board for this grant. This grant <br />would increase their drug testing policy, procedures and <br />capabilities and allow them to hire two part-time employees to <br />perform the drug testing. They would be available 7 days a week <br />and work various hours to test clients. It would also free up <br />time for the probation officers. They could also services to the <br />Juvenile Diversion program. The Mid-Plains staff secure juvenile <br />center would also like to participate. This would be a 25% - 75% <br />match and Mr. Snowardt stated st. Francis may provide the 25% <br />cash match. The grant application is due by June 18. Stelk made <br />a motion and Lancaster seconded to authorize the chair to sign a <br />letter of support for the drug and alcohol testing grant. <br />Arnold, Hartman, Jeffries, Lancaster, Landis, Logan and Stelk all <br />voted yes and none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> <br />10:30 A.M. PUBLIC HEARING ON UNINCORPORATED FIRE DISTRICTS IN <br />HALL COUNTY: Stelk made a motion and Hartman seconded to open <br />the public hearing on the unincorporated fire districts. Arnold. <br />Hartman, Jeffries, Lancaster, Landis, Logan and Stelk all voted <br />yes and none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> <br />Deputy County Attorney Jerry Janulewicz, Bud Jeffries and Dick <br />Hartman met with Wood River, Cairo, Alda, Shelton and Grand <br />Island Rural Fire Districts May 11. They discussed how to <br />