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<br />~1999001ij <br /> <br />TAX CORRECTION NOTICES: County Assessor Jan Pelland presented tax <br />correction notices for December and January. Notices #1976 to <br />1998 will be for 1998 and initialed by previous Chair Richard <br />Hartman and notice #1999 to 2009 will be for Bud Jeffries to <br />initial. Hartman made a motion and Lancaster seconded to <br />authorize the chairs to initial the notices. Arnold, Hartman, <br />Jeffries, Lancaster, Landis and Logan all voted yes and none <br />voted no, with Stelk absent. Motion carried. <br /> <br />COUNTY BOARD SECRETARY REPORT: The progress report was included <br />Board Assistant Carol Spiehs requested that the board members <br />return the red folders and complete the insurance forms so they <br />can be turned in to the county clerk's office. Hartman made a <br />motion and Arnold seconded to accept the board secretary's <br />report. Arnold, Hartman, Jeffries, Lancaster, Landis and Logan <br />all voted yes and none voted no, with Stelk absent. Motion <br />carried. <br /> <br />COUNTY BOARD MEMBER'S REPORTS: Scott Arnold - No report. <br /> <br />Margaret Landis - She attended a reuse meeting and they are <br />working on the bike and hike trail. <br /> <br />Pamela Lancaster - She stated that the Grand <br />provided good coverage on the reuse meeting. <br />Economic Development Corporation meeting and <br />jet service to Grand Island. <br /> <br />Island Independent <br />She also attended a <br />they are working on <br /> <br />Richard Hartman - There was a Weed Control meeting but he was <br />unable to attend. <br /> <br />Lonnie Logan - He stated he was excited about his position and <br />hopes there will be good cooperation between the board members. <br /> <br />Bud Jeffries - He stated he will be working on the committee <br />assignments and will do his best to accommodate all the members. <br />He requested that the board members turn in their lists by <br />Thursday so he can work on the committees. <br /> <br />NEW AND UNFINISHED BUSINESS: The board member received a letter <br />from Kathy Baasch requesting to retain a part-time person to <br />assist in training a new employee. Carol Spiehs was instructed <br />to send her a memo stating it was satisfactory to do so. <br /> <br />Landis stated that the reuse meetings will be on the first and <br />third Thursdays but the meeting will be canceled on January 14. <br />She also mentioned that there will be a rural fire district <br />meeting. <br /> <br />The letter from Clean Community System was received and Landis <br />