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HALL COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION MEETING <br /> JULY 31, 2012 <br /> 9:05 A.M. <br /> MOTION FOR MEETING -- ROLL CALL VOTE <br /> CALL TO ORDER <br /> NOTICE OF OPEN MEETING LAW 7his is a public meeting subject to the open meetings laws of <br /> the State of Nebraska. The requirements for an open meeting are posted an the door to my left <br /> and notices are on the front table for your infarmatian. <br /> 1. MINUTES OF JULY 17t" MEETING <br /> 2. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION — Supervisors will not be able to take action on non- <br /> agenda items <br /> 3. COUNTY TREASURER — 1) APPROVE EXEMPTI�N APPLICATION FOR <br /> SENIOR CITIZEN INDUSTRIES FOR A 2006 KIA VAN <br /> 2) DISCUSS AND APPROVE EXEMPTI�N APPLICATION FOR ST MARY'S <br /> CATHEDRAL DAY CARE ON A 2000 BLUE BIRD BUS <br /> 3) DISCUSS AND APPORVE EXEMPTION APPLICATION FOR ST FRANCIS <br /> MEDICAL CENTER FOR A 2000 BUICK <br /> 4. COUNTY ASSESSOR —APPLICATION AND LETTERS FOR HOMESTEAD <br /> EXEMPTION DURING THE 2p DAY EXTENSION PERIOD <br /> 5. EXECUTIVE SESSION — DISCUSS PENDING TERC LITIGATION <br /> NEW OR UNFINISHED BUSINESS — The board cannot take action on non agenda <br /> items <br /> ADJOURNMENT <br />