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9:05 a.m. Held a Board of Equalization meeting <br /> 9:20 a.m. Returned to the regular meeting <br /> PUBLIC PARTICIPATION — Chairman Lancaster called far public participation and no one <br /> responded. <br /> 4 COUNTY ATT�RNEY— CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION APPOINTING A HALL <br /> COUNTY JURY COMMISSI�NER—County Attorney Jack Zitterkopf noted that because Hall <br /> County is experiencing growing pains it triggers some necessary changes. Previously the jury <br /> commissioner was the Clerk of the District Court but with the census numbers this state statute <br /> says that the county shall create a separate affice. The election commissioner and the district <br /> judges ar� not enthusiastic about making this change. He met with �lection commissioner Dale <br /> Baker and Clerk of the District Court Valorie Bendixen and Valorie stated that she would take on <br /> the extra affice and do so for the minimum af$1,200.�0 annually. It would be appropriate to <br /> appoint Valarie Bendixen to act as the jury commissioner. He has prepared a resalution <br /> regarding this issue and is asking for the county board to approve. <br /> Mr. Quandt expressed concern that Valorie is an elected official and her salary is already set <br /> and it cannat be changed. Mr. Zitterkopf stated that this is an additional salary for an individual <br /> not for the elected clerk of the district court. <br /> Arnold noted that these are two different positions and when he discussed this with the <br /> Accountability and Disclosure Commission this is not uncammon for an elected official to hold 2 <br /> positions especially in smaller counties. This appointment also has to have the approval of the _ <br /> judges. He does not have a concern with this appointment. <br /> Mr. Quandt questioned what wauld happen if she did nat stay in this pasition or resigns. This <br /> would be up the board to make the appointment. He also noted that this has not been budgeted <br /> and questioned where it should be budgeted. Discussion was held and it was suggested to <br /> budget it in the justice system budget. Mr. Quandt asked if it should be a separate budget but <br /> Mr. Zitt�;rkopf stated that this is just a person not a physical office. He asked if it should be <br /> appointed every 4 years also. <br /> Schuppan and Arnold noted that the board could just wait and make an appointment when it is <br /> necessary. <br /> Arnold made a motion and McFarland seconded to add a line item to the justice system budget <br /> for the jury commissioner salary of$1,200.00 annually. Arnold, Lancaster, McFarland, Purdy, <br /> Quandt, Schuppan and Ziola all voted yes and none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> McFarland made a motion and Ziola seconded to approve the Resolution #12-053 creating the <br /> separate office of jury commissioner and to appoint Valorie Bendixen as the jury commissioner. <br /> Arnold, Lancast�r, McFarland, Purdy, Quandt, Schuppan and Ziola all voted y�s and none <br /> voted na. Motion carried. <br /> 4 <br />