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x�soLUTioN �i2-�r—,x�, <br /> A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE �INAL PLAT OF PRICKLY PEAR SUBDIVISION A <br /> PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED IN THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 32, <br /> TOWNSHIP 9 NORTH, RANGE 11, WEST OF THE SIXTH P.M., IN HALL COUNTY, <br /> NEBRASKA. <br /> WHEREAS, Leland H. Uden and Krisha S. Uden, husband and wife, the awners of the <br /> land described in the legal description hereon, have filed an application for approval of the final <br /> plat of�'rickly Pear Subdivision, a parcel of land located in the Northwest Quarter of Section 32, <br /> Township 9 North, Range 11, West of the Sixth P.M., in Hall County, in Hall County,Nebraska; <br /> and <br /> WI-�EREAS, the abave-described real estate is located in an unincarporated area of Hall <br /> County and is not within an area over which a city or village exercises extraterritorial zoning <br /> jurisdiction; and <br /> WHEREAS, on Au�ust lst, 2012 the Hall County Kegional Plaiuiing Cornmission <br /> considered said final plat at its regular meeting and recommended approval; and <br /> WHEREAS, the County Board of Supervisors of Hall County held a meeting and <br /> considered said final plat on August 14t", 2012 upan publication of notice of the same in the <br /> Grand Island Independent, a legal n�wspaper in the county. <br /> RESOLVED, upon review of the final plat and consideration of the recommendations of <br /> the Regional Planning Commission,the report of the County Highway Superintendent, and the <br /> evidence, testimony, and comments received, the Board finds that the plat has been prepared in <br /> compliance with the Hall County Subdivision Regulations and such final plat of Prickly Pear <br /> Subdivision shvuld be and is hereby approved. Dedication of the streets, roads and public <br /> easements depicted thereon are hereby approved and accepted. <br /> Resalution moved by Supervisor ��r �t�.���. <br /> Seconded by Supervisor .�. <br /> Vote: <br /> Supervisor Arnold: Por�; Against_; Abstained ; Not Present <br /> Supervisor Quandt: For�/ ; Against�; Abstained ;Not Present <br /> Supervisar McParland: Far�; Against____; �lbstained�; Not Present <br /> Supervisor Schuppan: For�; Against�; Abstained ; Not Present� <br /> Supervisar Purdy: Far�; Against�; Abstained�; Nat Present <br /> Supervisor Lancaster For�; Against ; Abstained�;Nat Fresent <br /> Supervisor Ziola: F'or O�; Against�; Abstained ; Not Present_ <br />