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Discussion was held and the resolution will be dated today for a five year period. Lancaster, McFarland, <br /> Quandt, Purdy, and Ziala all voted yes and one voted no with Arnold and Schuppan absent. Motian <br /> carried. <br /> 10. PUBLIC DEFENDER COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION — DISCUSS AND TAKE ACT10N <br /> (�N RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING SALARY FOR PUBLIC DEFENDER FOR FOUR Y�AR <br /> TERM BEGINNING JANUARY 3, 2013 - Ziola stated that the committee met to set the salary <br /> and for the years 2013 and 2014 it was kept at 1% but they were deadlacked on the two <br /> following y�ars so they do not have a recommendation. This resolution has to�be approved by <br /> #he end of December 2011. Mr. Amald is also on the committee. Discussion was held that this <br /> cauld be addressed in two weeks. <br /> Quandt stated that the committee wanted to have input from the other Board members. He <br /> noted that two years ago there were concerns on the budget and there was talk on possible <br /> layoffs but now things are better. The other afficials are set with a 1% increase far the rest of <br /> their term of office. <br /> Lancaster stated that it is impo�tant far the rest af the Board members to also have input on this <br /> process. She noted that the union cantracts are set at 1% or 2%. <br /> Ziola stated that hE would like to see 1% and certainly not mare than 2%. <br /> Lancaster expressed concern on the differences befinreen the County attomeys and the Public <br /> Defenders attorneys. Mr. Purdy will not be at the next Caunty Board meeting but he could let <br /> the committee know what he wauld suggest. <br /> Ziola stated that there is a NACO salary survey but there is limited information on the Public <br /> Defenders because some counties da not have a separate Public Defender's o�ces. <br /> Lancaster not�d that sametimes they have to play catch up ta bring the salaries in line. <br /> Quandt st�ted that even if they have to catch up some of the salaries it is important to make <br /> sure there is some cansistency. This has to be decided at the next meeting. <br /> Ziola also stated that the deputies receive a percentage of the elected official's salary. <br /> Lancaster stated that the County Baard can set their salaries every two years instead af for four <br /> years. <br /> Quandt stated that the committee will come back in finro weeks with some camparisans. <br /> PUBLIC PARTICIPATION -- Chairman Lancaster called for public participation and no ane <br /> responded. � <br /> BOARD AS5ISTANT'S REPORT — Board assistant Stacy Ruxicka stated that she did not have <br /> a repart. <br /> BOARD MEMBER'S REPORTS Purdy stated that the facilities committee is getting propasals <br /> far the electrical work to move the servers to the Administration Building. There have been <br /> som� signs of a w�ter leak in the court house. <br /> 5 <br />