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HALL COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MEETING DECEMBER 2Q, 2Q11 �', <br /> The Hall County Board of Supervisors convened December 20, 2011 by published call in the County I � <br /> Board meeting raom, 121 South Pine, Grand Island, Nebraska <br /> The meeting was cailed tn order by Chairman Lancaster I <br /> I <br /> The invocation was given by Supervisor Scott Arnold � �, <br /> i <br /> The pledg� of allegiance w�s recited in unison by all in attendance at the meeting. <br /> Rall Call was read, present were Scott Amold, Pamela Lancaster, Bab McFarland, Gary Quandt, Steve <br /> Schuppan. Daniel Purdy was excused from attending the meeting. <br /> Also in attendance were Deputy County Attorney Jack Zitterkopf, and Board Assistant Stacey Ruzicka. <br /> NOTICE OF OPEN MEETING LAW Chairman Pamela Lancaster read the no#ice af apen meeting law. <br /> REQUEST TO RESERVE TIME — Chairman Lancaster stated that if anyone fram the audience has a <br /> request to reserve time to speak on a specific agenda item, ta please came farward at #his time. She <br /> reminded the public regarding new or unfinished business and that the Board will not be able to take <br /> actian on non-ag�nda items. She also noted that Renee Seifert was in the audience today to answer <br /> any questions that may arise with item agenda number fifteen. Na one responded. <br /> Amold made the mvtion and it was seconded by Quandt, ta accept the minutes far December 6, 2011, <br /> and alsa accept the following as cansent agenda item. � <br /> 1. 7. a. cancel current vending contract with Nebraska Commission for the Blind and Visually <br /> Impaired. <br /> 2, 7. b. Authorize Chairman ta sign vending contract with Boyd's VEnding. Board Assistant Stacey <br /> Ruzicka asked when the termination date would be with the current vendar. Building and <br /> Graunds Director Loren Humphrey, stated that the contact would end January 1, 2012 <br /> 3. 10. Accept and place an fil� County office reports, from ,the Hall County Clerk, Hall County <br /> 5heriff, the Register of Deeds, and Hall and Howard County Juvenile Services. <br /> 4. 11. Accept and place on file the Treasurer's miscellaneous receipts. . <br /> 5. 12. Accept and place an file communicatians from CNCS. <br /> Arnold, Lancaster, McFarland, Quandt, Schuppan, and Ziola all voted yes, and none voted no, with <br /> Purdy absent. Motion carried <br /> OFFICE REPORT <br /> HALL COUNTY CLERK <br /> DECEMBER 2011 <br /> MARRIAGE LICENSES $ 375.00 <br /> RECORDING FEES/PUBLICATION $ 5.00 <br /> PHOTO COPIES $ 8.00 <br /> PLAT BOOKS/OTHER $ 5Q.Q0 <br /> CERTIFIED COPIES MARRIAGE LICENSES $ 270.00 <br /> PUBLICATION FEES/ LIQUOR LICENSES $ <br /> TIME CARD FEES $ 15 .00 <br /> TOTAL $ 723.00 <br />