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Il <br /> 9:Q5 a.m. Heid a Board of Equalization meeting. �' <br /> . ; <br /> 10:05 a.m. Retumed #a regular meeting. �! <br /> 6. PUBLIC DEFENDER COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION — Ziola noted that from the last County !, <br /> Baard Meeting additional informatian was obtained and discussed by the committee.' from the <br /> NACO comparison were studied far pay incentives for the position. Not all counties due to their size, <br /> have a full time Public Defender. <br /> Ziala made the motion that the committee recammends that the resalution establis.hing salary far Public <br /> Defender for a four year term beginning January 3, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016 with a 1% increase for <br /> faur years. Mation seconded by Quandt to approve resolution # 11-Q75 as set by the committee. <br /> Arnold questioned the 1% increase for the last two years. Amald wants the position to pay for what <br /> they shauld be paid and nnt what the current budget delegates. Arnold wants to see at least a 1'/ <br /> percent for the 2015-2016. Ziola reminded the Board that recognition is sometime more impartant than <br /> a large wage far a position. Lancaster f�els that the resolution is fair compensation for the position. <br /> Arnold, Lancaster, McFarland, Quandt, Schuppan, and Ziala all wated yes, and none voted no, with <br /> Purdy absent. Motion caRied. <br />