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HALL COUNTY BOARD OF CORRECTIONS MEETING MAY 1, 2007 <br /> The Hall County Board of Corrections met from general session and by published call: <br /> 10:30 a.m. Lancaster made the motion and Jeffries seconded to go into the Board of <br /> Corrections. Arnold, Eriksen, Humiston, Jeffries, Lancaster, Rye and Wagoner, all voted <br /> yes and none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> Members present were Scott Arnold, Jim Eriksen, Bob Humiston, Bud Jeffries, Pamela <br /> Lancaster, Bob Rye, and Daniel Wagoner. Also present was Corrections Director Fred <br /> Ruiz. <br /> CORRECTIONS DIRECTORS REPORT — Correction Director Fred Ruiz was <br /> present. The board is scheduled to tour the new jail facility today. He stated that <br /> that the roof was to be completed yesterday and the cells are being placed. The <br /> biggest problem has been the rain and because of that they are about 8 to 12 <br /> weeks behind. The interior walls are going p quickly new they just need some <br /> good weather. <br /> Mr. Ruiz stated that they will have to start addressing the holding area in the old <br /> facility. He reported that the work force is now working 12 hour shifts and as of <br /> yesterday they are at full staff. It takes about six months to hire new officers. <br /> He stated that the reimbursements from the state have been completed so the <br /> county will not be receiving any more money. Lancaster questioned how much <br /> the state owes the county. Mr. Ruiz stated he will provide those numbers to the <br /> board. He stated he will continue to send in the requests for payment. <br /> Lancaster made a motion and Jeffries seconded to place on file the minutes of <br /> the March 6 meeting. Arnold, Eriksen, Humiston, Jeffries, Lancaster, Rye and <br /> Wagoner all voted yes and none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> Discussion was held on the state reimbursements and Jeffries suggested <br /> sending a letter to the Governor regarding this issue. <br /> Eriksen also suggested sending a letter to the appropriations committee <br /> regarding the short fall of funds. This is a hardship to the counties. <br /> 10:45 a.m. the meeting was recessed to tour the corrections facility. <br /> p • <br /> Alibmw <br /> aria J. onley Ha I County Cie" t* P <br /> i ` � #7 <br /> 1 <br /> � I <br />