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HALL COUNTY BOARD OF CORRECTIONS MEETING JANUARY 9, 2007 <br /> The Hall County Board of Corrections met from general session and by published <br /> call. <br /> 10:00 am. Lancaster made a motion and Humiston seconded to go into a board of <br /> corrections meeting. Arnold, Eriksen, Humiston, Jeffries, Lancaster, Rye and Wagoner <br /> all voted yes and none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> Members present were Scott Arnold, Jim Eriksen, Bob Humiston, Pamela Lancaster, <br /> Bob Rye and Daniel Wagoner. Bud Jeffries left the meeting. Also present were <br /> Corrections Director Fred Ruiz and Administrative Assistant Holly Plejdrup. <br /> Lancaster made a motion and Eriksen seconded to place the minutes of the November <br /> 14, 2006 meeting on file. Arnold, Eriksen, Humiston, Lancaster, Rye and Wagoner all <br /> voted yes and none voted no. Bud Jeffries was absent. Motion carried. <br /> PUBLIC PARTICIPATION — Chairman Arnold called for public participation and no one <br /> responded. <br /> CORRECTION DIRECTOR'S REPORT — Correction Director Fred Ruiz stated that they <br /> are using the new pharmacy contract with U Save Pharmacy and noted that with the <br /> efforts of Dr King and the medical staff and the new pharmacy contract they are saving <br /> money. <br /> He stated that the department moral is up; they held a Christmas party and 45 to 60 <br /> people attended. They are continuing to advertise for new hires and the county benefit <br /> package is right in line. They are still working on the needs for the future. <br /> CONSTRUCTION UPDATE — Mr. Ruiz stated that 99% of the outside utility work is done <br /> and the steel work is going up. The concrete panels are scheduled for delivery on <br /> January 22, 2007. These panels are 10 foot by 25 foot and are installed in coordination <br /> with the steel work. The communication issues have been cleared up and they meet on <br /> Thursdays. <br /> EXECUTIVE SESSION -- PERSONNEL — Lancaster made a motion and Wagoner <br /> seconded to go into executive session to prevent needless harm or injury to an <br /> individual. . Arnold, Eriksen, Humiston, Lancaster, Rye and Wagoner all voted yes and <br /> none voted no. Bud Jeffries was absent. Motion carried. <br /> 10:50 a.m. executive session <br /> 10:58 a.m. Lancaster made a motion and Humiston seconded to go out of executive <br /> session. Arnold, Eriksen, Humiston, Land - 1y and Wagoner all voted yes <br /> andnone voted no. Bud Jeffries was absent. Motion carried. <br /> ROLL CALL FOR JAIL TOUR — Arnold, Eriksen, Humiston, Lancaster, Rye and <br /> Wagoner will be attending the quarterly jail tour. _ <br /> Rec- sed m= i i g for quarterly jail tour. ® C 0 tp / / ^� /j 7., / ; !�'� IA <br /> ' "� y <br /> Marl: J. ConlefHa11 Coun!*Clerk <br /> a <br /> 1 II <br /> ■ <br />